Who was designated as sadr-us-sudur during mughal administration?
he was the incharge of charitable & religious endowments
He advised the Emperor in all religious matters. He looked after religious education, charity, recommended stipends and jagirs to scholar, ulemas, Qazis. He advised the king for the appointment of sadrs in provinces and supervised their working.
The center of the whole structure of government was the sovereign. Before the sovereign, all important matter were submitted.
Central Administration: Wazir was the most important functionary. But this post was abolished due to unrestricted use of power of Wazir by Bairam Khan
Provincial Administration: Mughal Empire was divided into Subah or provinces which was further divided into Sarkar's, parganas, and villages.However,it also had other territorial units as “Khalisa”,(Royal Land),Jagirs(Autonomous Rajas),and Imams(Gifted land, generally waste lands).There were 12 territorial unit during Akbar time which was raised on 21 during Aurangzeb's regin.The Provincial administration was based on the principal of check and balance.
Other Mughal Officials:
Central level
1. Diwan:Responsible for all income and expenditure and had control over Khalistan and Jagir land.
2. Mir Baksh: Headed military department, nobility information and intelligence agencies.
3. Mir Samna: In charge of imperial household and Makhanas.
4. Kian-I-Batutut: Maintained roads, government buildings etc.
5.Sadr-us-Sadr: Judicial Administration: Mughal efficiently carried out judicial administration with the help of Qazi-ul-Quad.He was chief justice of the state and decided the religious and criminal cases. Local Quazi were appointed by him. At,provincial level,Sadir,Kotwal,Muqaddam,and Chowkidar heard the cases. The consumer cases were heard by Amil. In charge of charitable and religious endowments.