who was emily and what was sophies brilliant idea ?
"A handful of good life is worth a bushel of learning."
"Dear Emily,--I have a brilliant idea, and at once hasten to share it with you.
Three weeks ago I came up here to the wilds of Vermont to visit my old aunt,
also to get a little quiet and distance in which to survey certain new
prospects which have opened before me, and to decide whether I will marry
a millionnaire and become a queen of society, or remain 'the charming Miss
Vaughan' and wait till the conquering hero comes.
"Aunt Plumy begs me to stay over Christmas, and I have consented, as I
always dread the formal dinner with which my guardian celebrates the day.
"My brilliant idea is this. I'm going to make it a real old-fashioned frolic, and
won't you come and help me? You will enjoy it immensely I am sure, for
Aunt is a character. Cousin Saul worth seeing, and Ruth a far prettier girl
than any of the city rose-buds coming out this season. Bring Leonard
Randal along with you to take notes for his new books; then it will be fresher
and truer than the last, clever as it was.
"The air is delicious up here, society amusing, this old farmhouse full of
treasures, and your bosom friend pining to embrace you. Just telegraph yes
or no, and we will expect you on Tuesday.
"Ever yours,