English, asked by arkwanshideepakkumar, 6 months ago

Who was lencho? and where he lived?​


Answered by pandeynikhil4208


Lencho was a farmer, he lived in the valley on the top of the hill with his family.

Answered by TheEternity

Answer :-

Lencho was a poor, hardworking farmer. Who has a firm faith on god. He lived on the crest of a low hill. His house was the single house in the hill. He was usually waiting for the rain, for his crops to be harvested.

Chapter sketch :-

Lencho was a small farmer, who lived on the crest of a low hill. His house was the only house which in the whole valley. From his house, he could see the river and his pride, the field of ripe corn dotted with flowers.see the river and his pride, the field of ripe corn dotted with flowers. Lencho has a corn field down the hill. He wanted some rain for his crop. The ripe corn stood proud in the field and promised a good harvest. One day while Lencho was having his dinner, rainfall started, Lencho was full with joy and compared the rain drops into new coins. All of a sudden the rain changed into heavy hailstorm. In no time the whole valley was covered with hail. His fields became white as if covered with salt. His corn was totally destroyed. Lencho’s heart was filled with sorrow. But he did not lose heart. He had firm belief in God. He wrote a letter to God, asking him to send 100 pesos so that he could sow his field again.The postmaster in the post office read the letter addressed to ‘God’ and decided to preserve Lencho's faith in God. He collected 70 pesos and sent them to Lencho. Lencho was shocked that, how could god do mistake. Instead of 100 pesos, he got only 70 pesos. He believed that the post office employees were a bunch of crooks. Lencho write a second letter to god, that he wants the rest 30 pesos and this time he doesn't want to receive money through mail. The postmaster felt shocked and let-down. He thought his generosity and desire to maintain Lencho’s faith had been wasted. One must realise that humanity still prevails.

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