Who was mother of devi Sita
The Valmiki Ramayana does not give a clear name of Janka’s wife or Sita’s foster mother. It refers to Sita as the daughter of Earth.
However, Shiva Purana states that Sita’s mother was Dhanya, the daughter of Pitris who along with her sisters Maina and Kalavati was cursed by Sanata Kumaras to be born on earth. The curse was later reduced saying that she would give birth to Sita, an incarnation of Lakshmi.
Scriptures from Northern India refer to Sita’s mother as Sunaina.
In the Southe Indian literature and the Jain Ramayana, Mandori gives birth to Sita. After her birth, it is told that she would cause downfall of the Kingdom. So Ravana throws her into the sea, form where the Earth Goddess takes Sita into her protection and is later found by Janaka while ploughing.
However varied the versions are, Sita is always portrayed as the Daughter of Earth, evident from the characteristics like parience and affectionate behaviour.
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