English, asked by arunimaccu, 6 months ago

Who was Mr. Willi Wonka


Answered by vedhasmrithin


charecter in charlie and the chocolate factory


Willy wonka owns a chocolate factory.His factory is considered to be a very mysterious place as no workers come in or go out. But the smoke comes out of chimney,people smell chocolate and is company products are sold.Charlie a poor little boy and four other children get a chance to explore the factory.the four other children didnot behave well. Charlie was very obrdient and willy wonka made him the ownwer of his factory.Tiny creatures called oompa loompas[elves] work for willy wonka.There is a chocolate fountain and the grass is made up of chocolate. Everything is made up of chocolate

Answered by Anonymous


Mr Willy Wonka was a strange man. He used to make all strange inventions. He had a subordinate called Charlie. There was Oompa- Loompa volunteers on whom he used to carry out the testing of his inventions


pls mark me as brainliest

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