who was pandit Madhusudan gupta
Pandit Madhusudan Gupta was a Bengali Brahmin translator and Ayurvedic practitioner who was also trained in Western medicine and is credited with having performed India's first human dissection at Calcutta Medical College in 1836, almost 3,000 years after Susruta...
Pandit Madhusudan Gupta
Pandit Madhusudan Gupta was a Bengali Brahmin translator and Ayurvedic practitioner who was also trained in Western medicine and is credited with having performed India's first human dissection at Calcutta Medical College in 1836, almost 3,000 years after Susruta.
Born: 1800, Baidyabati
Died: 15 November 1856, Kolkata
Notable works: Translation of Anatomists Vade-mecum
Research: puberty
Known for: First human dissection in India under Western medicine
Education: Medical College Kolkata, The Sanskrit College and University