who was the founder of America
George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, James Monroe and Benjamin Franklin
are the founders of america
Answer :
To search for Asia ( the Indies ) in order to explore the country's rich textile, minerals and spices, three ships- the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria started their journey from the Spanish port.
On one of the ships was the Christopher Columbus. His objective was to sail to the west and reach to the Indies. While sailing, one day he opened eyes to see to the horizon and saw that he reached an island. Due to reflection from sun and a kind of mirage to him, he saw the skin of the inhabitants of island of red and brownish colour. On seeing that he thought that he reached the Indies as people of Indies at that time were thought to be
dark-skinned .Thus he named that group of islands as ' West Indies ' this is because he started travelling towards west . In 1492 he reached the ' West Indies ' and named that island.
When he returned,he brought syphilis with him. Thus on reaching back he died.
By 1502 , a Florentine sailer Amerigo Vespucci figured out that Columbus was wrong. He made a rough map of the world and saw that India was far more behind the 'West Indies'. Thus Columbus had discovered a new region that was actually the Bahamas.
On sailing to that land again, Amerigo Vespucci reached a land above the Bahamas. He found that region very large and productive. Thus on the name of Amerigo Vespucci, the new island above the Bahamas was name as the Americas. On sailing more in that region he reached the land below the Bahamas. Hence, Amerigo Vespucci discovered the Americas around 1503s.
From that time, the Spanish conquest to the Americas started and a new history of the world began. And from then, the land above the Bahamas is known as the North America and the land below the Bahamas is known as the South America.
From the above sources, we can conclude that,
The Americas was first discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492 and then the Americas were actually discovered by Amerigo Vespucci in 1503.