Who was the last developed human as per the journey of human?
the United Nations Development Programme
The HDI data is regularly published by the United Nations Development Programme.
'It is an intellectual enterprise' as Mahbub ul Haq, a fan of the Star Trek, would fondly refer to the Human Development Report – his brainchild, and sure, he was the captain of the enterprise. Needless to say, Amartya Sen in many ways was the navigator of it. And it is this enterprise with its dynamism, out-of-box thinking, intellectual courage, and challenging the orthodoxy that attracted me to it. Well, what a journey I have had over the last quarter of a century in various roles - as a core-author of the Report, as a vivid reader and as a committed champion of it. And it is good to be back home as I took the rein of the Report less than a year ago.