who went the the other way?
a.the poet
b.the squirrel
c.the tail
d.the nuts
ans: the squirrel
b the squirrel is the correct answer
b. the squirrel
The poem from which the question is asked is
The Squirrel by Mildred Bowers Armstrong
He wore a question mark for tail,
An overcoat of gray,
He sat up straight to eat a nut.
He liked to tease and play,
And if we ran around his tree,
He went the other way.
The poet says that the squirrel wears a query mark for tail. In different words, the tail of the squirrel is sort of a query mark. It has an overcoat of grey i.e. its pores and skin that's gray in coloration seems to be an overcoat i.e. a massive coat.
The squirrel sits up instantly on its legs to consume a nut. He likes to tease and play i.e. preserve going for walks right here and there. However if we move close to its tree, the squirrel runs away as it fears being caught.