who were against allenda's policy
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Salvador Allende, President of Chile, has inspired a variety of perceptions regarding his policies, personality andperformance as a head of state. Around the world, journalists, polling organizations and others have documented the expression of an evolving array of opinions about him. More than thirty years after his death, Allende remains acontroversial figure. Since Allende's deathbefore the end of his presidential term, there has been much speculation as to what Chilewould have been like had hebeen able to remain in power. Allende is often cited in non-academic discussions about whether a 'communist' government has ever been democratically elected. While Allende legitimately won a democratic election, the significance of this has been disputed by some because he only had a plurality, not a majority, in the popular vote. This voting pattern is not unknown in representative democracies. Supporters' view Chileans marching in support of Allende. His supporters argue that he did not win an outright majority because Christian Democrat Radomiro Tomić, running on a leftist platform similar to Allende's, split the Centrist vote. Tomic and Allende together gathered 64% of the vote, a clear majority. His opponents maintain that Allende went much farther to the left than the Centrist voters who supported Tomic could have expected. The Christian Democratic Party was supportive of a military intervention to remove Allende from office but began to disassociate itself from the 1973 coupd'état because of the violently repressive nature of the Pinochet regime. Allende is seen as a hero to many on thepolitical Left. Some view him as a martyr who died for the cause of socialism. His face has even been stylized and reproduced as a symbol of Marxism, similar to the famous images of Che Guevara. Many view him as a victim of American imperialism. For his supporters, his greatest legacy was his conviction that socialism can be reached through a democratic and pacifist path. His legacy can be seen in the recent election of governments professing socialism in Venezuela and recently, Bolivia.
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