Social Sciences, asked by vishalchut, 2 months ago

who were kulaks ?


Full Marks : 1 a) well-to-do peasants
 b) peasants
 c) merchants
 d) soldiers


who were the leaders of military Revolutionary committee ?

Full Marks : 1 a) Leon trotski
 b) Lenin
 c) father gapon
 d) Frederick Engel


the Cheka first and later OGPU and NKVD was the name of -----

Full Marks : 1 a) famous industries of Russia
 b) political parties of Russia
 c) secret police of Russia
 d) Army of Russia


Who started the collectivisation programme in Russia ?


Full Marks : 1 a) Kerenskii
 b) Vladimir Lenin
 c) Stalin
 d) V. sokolor


Answered by aman2710yadav


All its activities were conducted under the supervision of the Central Committee of the RSDLP(b) and Lenin, who was a member, personally. Its members were Joseph Stalin, Felix Dzerzhinsky, Yakov Sverdlov, Andrei Bubnov, Moisei Uritsky, and Pavel Lazimir, who was its chairman.

President of the Petrograd Soviet: Leon Trotsky


Answered by student43417


1. (a) well to do peasants

2. (b) Lenin

3. (c) secret police of Russia

4. (c) Stalin

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