Who were the Sayyids?
"Sayyid a Muslim claiming descent from Muhammad through Husayn, the prophet's younger grandson. The word is Arabic, and means literally ‘lord, prince’."
The Sayyids are descendants of Ali, the son-in-law of Mohammed by Fatima, Mohammed's daughter; and those found in South Asia today are the representatives of the Sayyids who, during the Muslim supremacy, flocked to India as religious teachers, soldiers, and adventurers, from Turkey, Arabia, and central Asia.
Sayyids, found widespread in South Asia, are Sunni Muslims, but in northern Gujarat many are Shia Muslims at heart, though all profess to be Sunnis. The Shia Sayyids there form a distinct community, their chief bond of union being the secret celebration of Shia religious rites. As a class, Sayyids are by their profession obliged to show that they are Religious and are careful to observe all the rites enjoined by the Quran.

Sayyid is an honorific name signifying people accepted as descendants of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and his cousin and son-in-law Imam Ali (Ali ibn Abi Talib) over his grandsons, Hasan ibn Ali and Imam Husain ibn Ali (combined Hasnain), sons of Muhammad's daughter Fatimah and Ali.
Woman sayyids are specified the labels sayyida, syeda, alawiyah or sharifa. In certain regions of the Islamic world, such as in India, the descendants of Muhammad are agreed the title Amir or mīr, meaning "commander", "general". The descendants of Muhammed honour the tenure of family trees tracing back their ancestry. In last regions, they are called Shah. Children of a Sayyida mother but a non-Sayyid father are mentioned to as Mirza.
Hope it helped...........