Who Who In The Mahabharatha War Were In The Kauravas Side?
Apart from the one hundred Kaurava brothers, headed by Duryodhana himself and his brother Dussasana, the Kauravas were assisted on the battlefield by Drona and his son Ashwatthama, the Kauravas' brother-in-law Jayadratha, the Brahmin Kripa, Kritavarma, Shalya, Sudakshina, Bhurishravas, Bahlika, Shakuni, Bhagadatta and ...
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The Kurukshetra War was a war between two families - the Kauravas, led by Duryodhana and their cousins, the Pandavas, led by Yudhisthira as the result of a succession struggle for the kingdom of Hastinapura.
In the Kauravas Side Duryodhana and his 99 brothers and Bhismah, Guru Droynachray his son and the naryani saina
In the Pandavas side shri Krishna( Lord Vishnu ) and the 5 pandav brothers