who will decide the title of a movie and who will decide the name of Main character or characters of a movie
How is the title of a movie decided upon?
There is no designated person to decide the movie title. It could be the writer of the movie, the director, the producer, a marketing company, or basically anyone else who comes up with the movie title. Sometimes it is the title of the script, and other times it might be changed at the last minute to be the actual title.
Of course, the title could just come from the source material the movie is based upon, so for 90% of movies released today - it comes from the comic book title.
Precisely who has the deciding vote can change from movie to movie also, and it can be the case that the folks in charge are convinced by someone else to go with a particular title, against their own judgement. To say that there is ever someone who 100% has the deciding say would be a little bit of an oversimplification.
A funny anecdote.. one time I interviewed for an internship at the BBC, there were loads of applicants and one of our tasks was to think of titles for an upcoming TV show. This was because the interviewer, who was the head of the show, was genuinely stuck for ideas.