English, asked by barisharani9, 3 days ago

whom did pip met at the graveyard?​


Answered by sumankansal69


In addition to Miss Havisham, there's the escaped Convict Abel magwitch , whom Pip encounters as he stands at the graves of his parents .

Pips meets a convict in the graveyard who has escaped from the prison. He was a fearful man,all in coarse grey, with a great iron on his leg. The convict threatens Pip to bring wittles as well as a file the next day.

Answered by queenlazy683


Pip meets a convict in the graveyard who has escaped from the prison. He was a fearful man, all in coarse grey, with a great iron on his leg. The convict threatens Pip to bring wittles as well as a file the next day.

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