English, asked by negidigvijay66, 11 months ago

whom do you consider `a fool' ?​


Answered by arunimadey1495


This is actually quite a good question.

First, let's accept that everyone is a fool at some point. We will all do things that in retrospect, we would admit were foolish. Even the most intelligent people can act foolishly from time to time. The definition of a fool then would necessarily be “someone who does foolish things frequently.” That is to say, “being a fool” is a matter of degree rather than a simple quality that one is either afflicted with or not. Also, for the sake of this conversation accept that foolishness can only be defined in terms of actions. It is what we do that makes us foolish or not, there is no other standard. You might argue that people can say foolish things, and you would be right, but choosing to say those things is itself an action.

This line of reasoning leads to a slightly different question then:

“how do I know when I or someone else is being foolish?”

Though this can't be answered exhaustively (there are just too many ways to be foolish), there are some solid guidelines that are useful. Someone is acting foolish when:

They willingly do something they know is a bad idea, in full awareness of the negative consequences

The act without complete information (“going off half cocked”). This is even more foolish when they know or should know they are missing critical information that would be required to make a wise decision.

They have complete information but fail to consider it carefully and make a decision that is more or less arbitrary. Again, this action is even more foolish if they wilfully refused to think through the facts of a matter before acting.

They act impulsively without regard to consequences (think getting the name of a girl/guy you just met that night tattooed in a highly visible place).

They take action based exclusively on emotion, devoid of reason (this is why “love” makes a fool of us all).

You may have seen the pattern here. Acting without reason and forethought is the most likely way to act foolishly. This is made all the clearer when we think about the opposite of foolishness - wisdom. What is the defining quality of a wise persons actions? They are always well considered and have a high probability of producing good outcomes.

I hope this is useful!



Answered by rpari0556


fool k matlab hota h kisi ko buddu banana ya kah bhi sakte ho ki ksi ki baato p wishwas karna aur baatm uska mazak udnaa iska matlab y hota h and this is known as *fool*

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