English, asked by Arindita, 1 year ago

Whom does Antony called "the choice and master spirits of this era"?


Answered by nandana9639
Antony calls the conspirators as the choice and master spirits of age to flatter them and to save his own skin and to make them feel as if he was on their side and agreed that Caesar should be killed

hope it helps:)
please mark as brainliest

Arindita: Hey just take a look into this link... https://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.studyrankersonline.com/13083/whom-does-antony-call-choice-and-master-spirits-this-age-why&ved=0ahUKEwiJuICfv-TZAhWMQ48KHbHvCL8QFgg4MAM&usg=AOvVaw0rcslYQOyRT3A86d9yA0g8
Answered by anithaajith1981

The answer here.

Pls refer the attachment for the answer.

Hope it helps.

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