Sociology, asked by arpikumar79922, 1 year ago

Whon are true friends


Answered by Mɪʀᴀᴄʟᴇʀʙ


1. A true friend shows up. They don’t care if it’s inconvenient, or if it’s uncomfortable, or maybe it’s a little dangerous, but they will show up. Those are the friends with whom you have an unwritten permission that you can call them at 3am if you want, and they show up for you.

2. A true friend sees your blind spots, and they love you anyway. They even call you out on those. What is a blind spot? It’s something that we cannot see in our line of vision. Vehicles have mirrors that show blind spots, and in the same way, a true friend can see those blind spots and point them out to us.

3. A true friend is going to root for us. I’ve done videos on this before – they’re not the kind of people that root for us but secretly wish we fail to make them look better. Those friends are uncomfortable when they see others doing great. A true friend roots for us no matter what, because they know everyone is different and everyone has different paths. We all have gifts and talents that are different from each other, and a true friend will root for you no matter what.

4. A true friend is not jealous. They understand that you’re going to do your thing, they’ll do their thing, and you’ll celebrate one another without jealousy or animosity.

5. A true friend laughs with us. We must have friends that will laugh with us, sometimes they even laugh at you, but they laugh. We did so much laughing over the last 2 weeks, and laughter really is the best medicine. True friends have experiences with you that don’t even require words, but you’ll laugh your way through it together.

6. A true friend is not superficial. They are willing to get deep with you. I told my husband when we went on the second trip that I couldn’t wait to really get to know some of the wives even better than I had in the past. I used to only let people in so far, and I put up a facade because I didn’t want people to get to know the real me. I lacked confidence. I’ve done a LOT of growing since then, and I’m able to let people see the real me now. So real friends aren’t superficial, and they will let you see the good, the bad, and the ugly.

7. A true friend keeps us humble. We all want to brag a little bit, right? Our kids, our job, whatever… a true friend will celebrate you, but will also remind you of your roots and where you came from. You’re not any better than the next person, and a true friend keeps us grounded.

8. A true friend makes your friendship a priority. We all have seasons in our lives where we get extremely busy. Some get married, have kids, have very busy jobs that keep us going all the time…but a true friend makes the friendship a priority through all that. I still get together with some moms I met through our kids back in the day. Our kids are all in different places now, doing their own thing, but we moms stay together because we are that close.

9. A true friend wants us to be better. You could also say you look at your true friends and not only see them as a confidant, but also as a role model. True friends can either want us to be better, or we can see our friend and we want to be that kind of person. I don’t mean we want to be them – I just mean we aspire to be like them.

10. A true friend doesn’t disappear when someone better comes along. Meaning that when a better ship comes along, they sail off with that ship instead. True friends stick around.

Answered by somyavats1515

Hi mate!

Here is your answer:

You don't need to find your best friend, YOU are yourself your true, sincere, helping, best of best friend. Don't waste time on such things. Love yourself and focus on yourself.


Anyways, we have our whole #BrainlyFam with you for any other help...

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