Social Sciences, asked by Anonymous, 9 months ago

wht do u mean by megabyte??​


Answered by Mɪʀᴀᴄʟᴇʀʙ


A unit of information equal to one million or, strictly, 1,048,576 bytes.


In computer science and industry usage, the prefix mega- often does not have its standard scientific meaning of 1,000,000, but refers instead to the power of two closest to 1,000,000, which is 220, or 1,048,576. The calculation of data storage capacity (measured in bytes) is based on powers of two because of the binary nature of bits (1 byte is 8, or 23, bits). Thus, a megabyte is 1,048,576 bytes, although it is also used less technically to refer to a million bytes. Other numerical prefixes are interpreted similarly. With data transmission rates (measured in bits per second), a bit is considered as a signal pulse, and calculations are generally based on powers of ten. Thus, a rate of one megabit per second is equal to one million bits per second. However, in certain technical contexts, megabit can also refer to 1,048,576 bits. Similarly, the prefix kilo- refers to 1,000 or 210 (1,024); giga- to 1,000,000,000 (one billion) or 230 (1,073,741,824); and tera- to 1,000,000,000,000 (one trillion) or 240 (1,099,511,627,776).

Answered by itsmysticaldimple

Hi. In a computer, while storing anything, some space is required just like we need space to keep our clothes, books, bags etc. In computer, this memory has some units that determine how heavy a file is just as the unit of distance is meter. Other smaller units are cm and mm and larger units are km, mile. Similarly, the smallest unit of storage in computers is Nibble. A collection of 4 nibbles is called a bit. A collection of 8 bits is known as a byte. A collection of 2*10¹⁰ = 1024 bytes is a kilo-Byte (KB). Similarly,

Similarly, 1024 KB = 1 MegaByte (MB)

(MB)1 MB = 1 GigaByte (GB)

1024 GB = 1 TeraByte (TB)

(MB)1 MB = 1 GigaByte (GB)

1024 GB = 1 TeraByte (TB)and, 1024 TB = 1 PetaByte (PB).


One MegaByte of computer memory can be defined as that space in which we can store 1024 files, having size 1 KB each.

Hope it helps.

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