Science, asked by priyaashi, 7 months ago

wht is anode and cation​

AdarshSingh018: hii
laxmimadhuri68: hi
AdarshSingh018: I am not saying to you.
priyaashi: toh?
priyaashi: ?..
priyaashi: hi


Answered by nunuisnunuforever
  • The Anode is the negative or reducing electrode that releases electrons to the external circuit and oxidizes during and electrochemical reaction.

  • A cation is an ion that has lost one or more electrons, gaining a positive charge.

priyaashi: thnx for ur answer
nunuisnunuforever: It's Ok☺
priyaashi: ya
Answered by AdarshSingh018

The anode is the positively charged electrode (means pole). You must seen in pencil battery there are two terminals first is positive and second is negative. So, Positive Terminal is the anode.

There are two types of ions -

  1. Cation
  2. Anion

  • Cation has positive charge. So,

The anode which repel electrons or an ion known as Cation.

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