Wht is the role of media in fighting against the social issue or evil.expln the your argument with the balid justification and reason?
All around the world, media has continued to play a creative role in keeping the society strong. Apart from bringing fresh news from several sources, it is also seen as a guardian of peace and order. Media’s role is not limited to just that but it is also recognised for its creative input into the making of a civil society. Crime has tormented the civil society for centuries. Media’s arrival in this regard can be seen as a blow to criminal organisations and syndicates. Often media has been successful at reaching the corners where police and other crime control institutions have failed to. There are thousands of such cases which were discovered and solved because of media’s efforts and contribution. Media is also credited for serving an important role in the collective war against terrorism and other evils known as the biggest plagues for the civil society.
All around the world, media has continued to play a creative role in keeping the society strong. Apart from bringing fresh news from several sources, it is also seen as a guardian of peace and order. Media’s role is not limited to just that but it is also recognised for its creative input into the making of a civil society. Crime has tormented the civil society for centuries. Media’s arrival in this regard can be seen as a blow to criminal organisations and syndicates. Often media has been successful at reaching the corners where police and other crime control institutions have failed to. There are thousands of such cases which were discovered and solved because of media’s efforts and contribution. Media is also credited for serving an important role in the collective war against terrorism and other evils known as the biggest plagues for the civil society.Bringing up cases of corruption before public’s eyes and covering cases requiring public’s attention and being with the society in the times of crisis, media is known for its impartial contribution to peacekeeping and maintaining order across nations. Several times media has been able to successfully bring the deficiencies of the public agencies to light and raise the level of social awareness. Social awareness has been recognised to be the best weapon to fight against crime and this cannot be achieved alone by the government agencies. Apart from the news media, the contribution of social media must be also recognised in this area. However, while the news media has often been criticised for churning dissatisfaction against the government agencies, still its role at fighting corruption and crime has been strongly felt by the society.