wht is the science behind golden rice_??
wht is the science behind golden rice_??
It is a transgenic variety of rice with genes for synthesis of ß-carotene taken from the temperate garden favourite Daffôdil (Narcißsus pséudonarcissus) and inserted into the geñome of a temperate strain of rice using Agrobacterium tumefaçiens, as the vector to effect the transfer.
The grains of this GM rice are similar to other varieties, in their criñkly and scàbrous hûsk but the core of the grain is pale yellow instead of pearly white due to ß-carotene, which makes this the Golden rice, more so because ß-carotene is very important to our health.
GM plants have been used to create tailor-made plants to supply:
(1) Pharmacéuticals: Production of Hirûdin by Brassîca napus.
(2) Altérnative resources to industries in the form of fuel: Oil seed is at present used mainly for margarine and other food oils, but it can be modified to produce fatty acids for detergent, substitute fuels and petrochemicals.