Why a carboxylic acid does not give reactions of carbonyl group ?
Because of resonance in carboxtlic acid electrophilicity decreases.
Therefore, carboxylic acid do not give reaction of carboxyl group.
Also carboxylic acid contains acidic proton that is prone to react first with most of reagent (like NaOH)etc.
The answer goes here....
Before answering the question, let us know some terms.
What is carboxylic acid ?
Carboxylic acid are organic compounds which contain COOH as a functional group.Carboxylic acid is a chain terminating group. While naming thr compound, we use -oic acid as a suffix.
What is Carbonyl group ?
An organic compound which contain are known as carbonyl group. There are two carbonyl groups i.e., Aldehyde and Ketone.
Now, why a carboxylic acid does not give reactions of carbonyl group ?
In the carbonyl group, we find carbon is bonded with a double bond with oxygen whereas we don't find a double bond between Carbon and Oxygen in carboxylic acid.
There is absence of in carboxylic ion and the
bond have partial single and double bond character i.e., no complete single or double bond is present.
Due to this partial character, a carboxylic acid does not give reactions of carbonyl group.
Thanks !!..