Why acetylenic protons absorb up field in comparison to ethylenic protons?
Answer:It's protons absorb at higher field than that of almost all organic compounds, hence overlapping of signals does not occur. The protons of TMS are more shielded due to +l effect of Si which increases electrons density around them, hence they absorb at upfield.
Answer:It's protons absorb at higher field than that of almost all organic compounds, hence overlapping of signals does not occur. The protons of TMS are more shielded due to +l effect of Si which increases electrons density around them, hence they absorb at upfield. Hope its Helpful
Answer:It's protons absorb at higher field than that of almost all organic compounds, hence overlapping of signals does not occur. The protons of TMS are more shielded due to +l effect of Si which increases electrons density around them, hence they absorb at upfield. Hope its HelpfulPlease friend me mark as Brainliest
In acetylene electronic circulation around triple bond takes place in such a way that the protons experienced diamagnetic shielding effect when the axis of the alkyne group lies parallel to the direction of the applied field the pie electrons are induced to circulate around the axis in such a way that the induced field opposes the Applied field thus , protons feel smaller field strength and hence resonance occur at higher applied field(low delta value)