Biology, asked by mamtasharma4372, 11 months ago

Why adrenal gland is called as emergency gland?Name two
hormone secreted by this gland and write thier role.​


Answered by kanannag2776


adernal gland is called as emergency gland because they release adrenaline...

hope it helps you..

Answered by anishverma5658

adrenaline hormone is secreted in small amount all the times but in large amount when a person is frightened.adrenaline secreted in large amout prepares our body for increase the rate of heartbeat and breathing,raises blood pressure and allow more glucose to go into the blood to give us a lot of energy quickly to fight or run away from the frightening situation. hence adrenal gland is called emergency gland.

adrenal gland secret adrenaline hormone .

hope that it will helps you.

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