Biology, asked by abdul4409, 1 year ago

Why antitranspirants can be used to keep cut flowers such for a long time


Answered by vishnugiftz
Flowers live by absorbing nutrients from the soil and making sugar through photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process that happens when a plant's leaves absorb sunlight, and turn it into energy that the plant can use. By putting a plant into water, you are taking away a large amount of nutrients the roots, leaves and stem get from soil. Cutting the stem in a slant—instead of straight across—will allow it to absorb water better.

Both sugar and bleach help flowers stay fresh. Sugar gives them nutrients they need that aren't found in water, while bleach keeps the water clean and kills bacteria that causes flowers to wilt faster. However, too much of each can cause the flower to die faster than if you didn't add anything to the water. You used a small container in the experiment, which is why the flowers with one teaspoon of sugar and bleach should have lived longer than the flowers with three teaspoons of each.

You may have guessed that the results of this experiment will be different for different kinds of flowers. Using what you've learned from this experiment, keep the science going by switching up the variables of this project. What would happen if you used a different flower? How about if you tried a different sized container with different amounts of sugar and bleach? There are many ways in keeping flowers fresh longer, try experimenting with different things, and maybe you'll discover other secrets!
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