Biology, asked by ar9sahaneayush, 1 year ago

why are acquired traits not inherited?
how do mendels experiments show that traits are inherted independently

akshu47: A trait can be only inherited when it brings a change in genes present in the gametes of an organism. Changes in non-reproductive tissues cannot be passed on to DNA of germ cells. Therefore traits acquired during lifetime of an individual are not inherited by the offspring because they are changes in somatic cells and not in germ cells.


Answered by Anny121

1. Acquired traits are those which are acquired during the life time of an individual and are not present in the DNA constituent , hence it can't be transfered tot he next generation . That is why acquired traits are not inherited traits .

2. Mendel conducted an experiment of monohybrid cross with a pea plant and he noticed that some of the important characteristic features get disappeared in the F1 generation which again reappears in the F2 generation with 25% of its progeny. Mendel observed that the character which expresses in the F1 generation is the dominant character or the dominant trait and the trade which reappears in the F2 generation with 25% of its progeny is the recessive trait.
This is how he showed that traits are inherited.

Answered by akshu47
A trait can be only inherited when it brings a change in genes present in the gametes of an organism. Changes in non-reproductive tissues cannot be passed on to DNA of germ cells. Therefore traits acquired during lifetime of an individual are not inherited by the offspring because they are changes in somatic cells and not in germ cells.

Mendel showed that traits were inherited independently by pure dihybrid cross between 2 pea plants.
A cross was made between pure breeding pea plants, one with round and green seeds and the other with wrinkled and yellow seeds. The Phenotype in F1 progeny is yellow and round shape because they are dominant over green and wrinkled seeds, in F1 progeny.

When F1 progeny was salted, the following progeny along with the ratio will be obtained: 9:3:3:1

This proves that traits are inherited independently and made new characteristic combination which was independent of earlier.

akshu47: Mark it as brainliest
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