Why are arrogant and timid opposites but not plate and spoon?
Synonyms for arrogant
assumptive, bumptious, cavalier, chesty, haughty, highfalutin (also hifalutin), high-and-mighty, high-handed, high-hat, huffish, huffy, imperious, important, lofty, lordly, masterful, overweening, peremptory, pompous, presuming, presumptuous, pretentious, self-asserting, self-assertive, sniffy, stiff-necked, supercilious, superior, toplofty (also toploftical), uppish, uppity
Words Related to arrogant
authoritarian, bossy, dominant, dominating, domineering, magisterial, pontifical, pontificating
condescending, disdainful, patronizing
impertinent, impudent, saucy
snobbish, snobby, snooty
blusterous, blustery, boastful, bombastic, braggart, bragging, braggy, cocky, swaggering, vain, vainglorious
complacent, conceited, egocentric, egoistic (also egoistical), egotistic (or egotistical), hubristic, narcissistic, orgulous, prideful, proud, self-affected, self-applauding, self-centered, self-complacent, self-conceited, self-pleased, self-satisfied, smug, stuck-up
self-flattering, self-loving, self-promoting
brash, forward, uninhibited, unreserved
extroverted (also extraverted), immodest