why are best friend is so special
If you slip on a banana peel like some cliché cartoon character, a friend will help you back up. A best friend, however, will get in a good 10 seconds of laughter in before helping. It goes both ways, and it's totally OK, because having the title of "best friend" means you're allowed to laugh at each other.
2. She Teaches You New Things
Trinette Reed
No two people are the same, which means you and your bestie won't have everything in common. You may be from different ethnicities, genders, or socioeconomic backgrounds. This is a great opportunity for you to learn from each other. In the meantime, hopefully you'll gain a new sense of appreciation for those who aren't quite like you.
3. You Don't Have To Go Anywhere Alone
Tana Teel/Stocksy
Arguably one of the greatest perks of having a BFF is having someone to go places with you. Especially if you're going somewhere new, having someone else by your side can ease a lot of anxiety. Remember that your bestie is sometimes your hero, too.
because when ever in problem we share our feelings to our siblings and whatever things happen in school life we ourselves
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