why are cyclones so destructive ?describe how a cyclone cause widespread destruction leading to a great loss of the life and property.State the various precaution to be observed by a person living in a cyclone hit area
Cyclones are violent Storms with an intense spiral and accompanied by strong winds and heavy rains. They are caused due to strong winds blowing around the central area having low atmospheric pressure.
Causes of cyclones
As we know that when water vaporizes, it absorbs heat from the surroundings. Water vapor rises in the atmosphere where it cools down. When water vapor changes back into liquid the heat is released into the atmosphere. This warms the air around it.
The warm air tends to rise and causes a drop in the pressure. The air moves from surrounding high-pressure areas to the central low-pressure area. This cycle is repeated. The chain of events leads to the formation of very low-pressure system surrounded by with very high-speed winds. This weather condition is a cyclone.
- Tropical cyclones on the open sea cause large waves, heavy rain, and high winds, disrupting international shipping and, at times, causing shipwrecks. Generally, after its passage, a tropical cyclone stirs up ocean water, lowering sea surface temperatures behind it.
- The tremendous force of high speed winds accompanying a cyclone can topple trees, electric poles, telephone poles and vehicles, damage houses and hurl people through air, etc., causing a great loss of life and property
- 1) Fill buckets, sinks and baths with water in case the water supply becomes restricted.
- 2) Gather everyone indoors including any pets.
- 3) Stay away from doors, windows and exterior walls.
- 4) Turn off all electricity, gas and water and unplug all appliances.
Hope this helps ya....