why are Muslim girls are not sent to school? GIVE REASONS
Muslims girls are sent to school..There is no proof that they are not sent to school..It just depends upon the mentality of the parents..N in Islam there is no restriction for sending girls to school..It is not prohibited in Islam.The only restriction is that a girl should be covered in order to protect her from evil eyes of our society nothing more than this..n in today's world every girl is given right..it was about old times when girls were not allowed to got out.
It's not that Muslim girls r not sent to school...this statement only refers to old times.
Long ago,when Islam took a firm hold,Muslims had the most strong faith in their religion And according to their religion,Islam,Muslim girls r said to be properly covered,not exposed.
Now a days,almost every Muslim girl goes to school but in the times whoch had passed,Muslim parents did not want their daughters to study at a place where boys r present so they usually sent them to ONLY GIRLS SCHOOLS.
Later when the Muslim dress (burka) was banned,Muslim parents didn't allow their daughters to go out of the homes bcuz their religion says that girls should not be exposed.
But this is true that what they did was wrong as Islam does not stops one from studying.Intact the first Surah to be revealed on the beloved Prophet Muhammad(p.b.u.h) said that "STUDY AND LEARN...EVEN IS U NEED TO TRAVEL TO FAR OFF AREAS".This shows the importance of knowledge in Islam.
Now a days,Muslim girls r free to go where ever they want to bcuz their families r moderate ones,not over strict.
The answer to ur question is that bcuz Muslim girls were prohibited to join a co institute by their parents bcuz they were too strict.
But now they r not..If u want any further information abt Islam or Muslims let me know as I myself am a Muslim girl¡¡¡¡