Science, asked by vishalpn313, 3 months ago

Why are sense organs important in short answer​


Answered by Anonymous

Sense organs are the specialized organs composed of sensory neurons, which help us to perceive and respond to our surroundings. There are five sense organs – eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin.

Hope it will be helpful.

Answered by VarshatheRowdy2


Senses are important because they allow us to perceive the world in which we live. Our five senses are our sense of sight (also known as vision), smell (olfaction), hearing (audition), taste (gustation), and touch (somatosensation).


we have five main sense organs the eyes , ears , skin , Nose and the sense a have sensory Receptors. Each type of respector is highly sensitive to specific stimulus types .

1. EYE

our icontains eyelids ,eyelashes ,eyebrows and lacrimal glands. A thin layer , called connective covers the front portion of the eye , The eyeball is located in the eye socket only one by six portion of the eyeball is visible to us .

I have three main layers. They are Sclerotic layer (or) Sclera, chloride layer and Retina. The outer most thick, tough, Fibrous non _ elastic and white coloured layer is sclera the bulges and forms cornea. The end of sclera connects to the optic nerve, The second layer is Choroid layer. This layer is black in colour and contains a lot of blood vessels . In encloses the Except the part pupil. The part formed by the choroid layer around the pupil is iris. Radial and are circular muscles are present in the a

Iris. Biconvex lens is present immediately behind the pupil which is attached to the ciliary muscles and suspensory ligaments.

The lens Divides the inner eye ball as Aqueous chamber and Vitreous chamber. Aqueous chamber is filled with water like fluid Whereas vitreous chamber is filled with Jelly like fluid.

Retina contains the cell called Rods And cones. The area of no vision called Blind Spot in the area of the best vision called Yellow spot are present in the retina. The yellow spot is also called macula or Five.


It is a visible part of the ear on either side of our head. It is a flap like structure called the Pinna .It leads to the ear Canal . the pinna is crumpled and made up of cartilage .

Middle ear plays an important role in amplifying the vibration received on tympanum membrane . The chain of three bones Malleus , Incus, and Stapes helps to do the same .Oval window is a membrane, covered ending of the middle ear which opens into the inner ear through round window .

Internal ear consists of bony Labyrinth enclosing the membranous Labyrinth. The membranous labyrinth consists of the vestibule, three semicircular canals and Cochlea. The anterior part of Vestibular is Sacculus and the posterior part is Utriculus . Nerve fibres from them from them form vestibular nerve.

The first two are separated by the vestibular membrane . The second and third are separated by the basilar membrane . Scala Vestibuli and is scale tympani are filled with Perilymph . scala media is filled with it contains organ of corti and tiny cells called primary sensory cells .


Our external nose has two nostrils. They lead to the nasal cavity. Nasal septum divides the nasal cavity into two halves .The nasal cavity is lined with Mucous membrane and small hairs .Olfactory repectors are present in the mucous membrane .


Our tongue is made up of voluntary muscles .It contains about 10,000 taste buds . That taste buds are located in the walls of the papillae.

Like smell and taste is also sense based on identifying chemicals in food and the texture of it . But the similarity does not end there .The sense of taste and smell have a close and cooperative working relationship .

Sorry for giving Long answer......

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