Why are symbols used for electronic components?
(a)It makes it easier to draw the circuit diagrams
(b)It is essential to draw the circuit diagrams
(c)It helps to show the direction of flow of current in a circuit
Circuit Symbols and Circuit Diagrams
Two Types of Connections
Series Circuits
Parallel Circuits
Combination Circuits
Thus far, this unit of The Physics Classroom tutorial has focused on the key ingredients of an electric circuit and upon the concepts of electric potential difference, current and resistance. Conceptual meaning of terms have been introduced and applied to simple circuits. Mathematical relationships between electrical quantities have been discussed and their use in solving problems has been modeled. Lesson 4 will focus on the means by which two or more electrical devices can be connected to form an electric circuit. Our discussion will progress from simple circuits to mildly complex circuits. Former principles of electric potential difference, current and resistance will be applied to these complex circuits and the same mathematical formulas will be used to analyze them.
Electric circuits, whether simple or complex, can be described in a variety of ways. An electric circuit is commonly described with mere words. Saying something like "A light bulb is connected to a D-cell" is a sufficient amount of words to describe a simple circuit. On many occasions in Lessons 1 through 3, words have been used to describe simple circuits. Upon hearing (or reading) the words, a person grows accustomed to quickly picturing the circuit in their mind. But another means of describing a circuit is to simply draw it. Such drawings provide a quicker mental picture of the actual circuit. Circuit drawings like the one below have been used many times in Lessons 1 through 3.
An electronic symbol is a pictogram used to represent various electrical and electronic devices or functions, such as wires, batteries, resistors, and transistors, in a schematic diagram of an electrical or electronic circuit.
Hope it helps you