Biology, asked by sahilnayan9, 10 months ago

why are termites dependent on trichonympha for their survival​


Answered by patangemahesh2013


Trichonympha is a genus of single-celled, anaerobic parabasalians of the order Hypermastigia that is found exclusively in the hindgut of lower termites and wood roaches.[1] Trichonympha’s bell shape and thousands of flagella make it an easily recognizable cell.[2] The symbiosis between lower termites/wood roaches and Trichonympha is highly beneficial to both parties: Trichonympha helps its host digest cellulose and in return receives a constant supply of food and shelter. Trichonympha also has a variety of bacterial symbionts that are involved in sugar metabolism and nitrogen fixation.

Answered by Adityaboy


The symbiosis between lower termites/wood roaches and Trichonympha is highly beneficial to both parties: Trichonympha helps its host digest cellulose and in return receives a constant supply of food and shelter.Trichonympha have the enzymes needed to convert cellulose in wood into starches and sugars that the termite can use as nutrients. In exchange, these organisms benefit from a continuous supply of energy-rich cellulose and a suitable environment in which to live.

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