why are the poor particularly the woman willing to work for low wages
As they don't have any other options .
They find something better than nothing.
. Also they can't leave their family.
So they agree to work for low wages
I. The Context: Low-Income Women Face
a Range of Employment Barriers
For many women, the path to finding and keeping
a job with decent wages and advancement opportuni-
ties is strewn with obstacles — from lack of adequate
child care, to juggling work and family responsibili-
ties, to dealing with on-the-job discrimination. These
barriers to employment are especially challenging for
women living on the economic margins, particularly
welfare recipients, for whom the consequences of
lacking or losing a job can be devastating.
To document the real impact of these employ-
ment barriers, the National Partnership for Women
& Families surveyed programs that primarily work
with low-income women as they look for jobs. The
goal of the survey was to learn more about the
prevalence and severity of different employment
barriers and how they affect welfare recipients and
other low-income women. In particular, we wanted
to gather information about the effects of discrimi-
nation and work/family conflicts, since their impact
on low-income women generally receives very little
public attention.
The survey explores employment obstacles faced
by all low-income women, and whether those
obstacles change in nature or intensity according to
a woman’s welfare status. Because of recent welfare
law changes, welfare recipients now must meet rigid
new work requirements or risk losing vital benefits.
Unfortunately, the current welfare debate — and
resulting policies —rarely acknowledge the range of
barriers that stand between most welfare recipients
and permanent employment. Learning more about
these barriers is the first step toward developing
serious strategies to help welfare recipients, and all
low-income women, successfully enter and remain
in the workforce.
hope it is helpful