why are the surfaces which are responsible to exchange gases for respiration in bigger animals protected within the body?
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Organisms that are larger enough to have diffusion as a primary mechanism for respiration use other alternate methods. Such as organisms that live under water use gills and lungs.
Animals that breath in air use contracting muscles to create the necessary pressure for the lungs to operate. Heart plays a vital role in pumping blood throughout the internal respiratory surfaces of lungs, this oxygen containing blood in then carried to various tissues to fulfill their oxygen demands.
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the surfaces which are responsible for exchange of gases in respiration in organism are protected so that there is no destruction of the respiratory system.
- There are large number of pathogens which are present in the air. When bigger animals breathe in significant amount of air there is maintenance of the air temperature. In addition to this there are particulate matter which are present in the air that attract by small hair like projection on the respiratory tract.
- In addition to this it is prevented that no microorganism enter into the bloodstream to the respiratory tract that have thin layer.
To know more about the respiratory system,
respiratory system organ and function - Brainly.in
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