Why are there differences in values attached to the work of males and females
There are differences in values attached to the work of males and females because each group has its own priorities. They differ from each other regarding what they care for most at their workplace.
The behaviour of men and women in the workplace is fundamentally and biologically different. There are differences in values attached to their work.
1. Goals versus processes - Men focus more on the goal while women focus more on the process.
2. Hierarchies versus relationships - Men prefer to work in well-defined territories. They give importance to authority and position. Women view things in terms of relationships and sharing of a common goal.
3. Attribution of success - When men succeed they tend to attribute it to their skills, talent and hard work. They blame the circumstances, bad luck, bad timing when they fail. Women tend to do the opposite.
4. Authority versus engagement - Men sort out the options and figure out things for themselves before offering a solution. Women seek input from others before offering a solution because they do not feel that they will lose their authority by doing so.
5. Team players versus team play - For men being a good team player means knowing your position and playing it well by following orders and supporting the leader. For women it means helping the colleagues even when they do not ask for it.