English, asked by zothanatjay, 8 months ago

why are transition metals paramagnetic​


Answered by user563zm

Answer:Most of the transition elements show paramagnetic behavior. The unpaired electrons in (n-1) d orbitals are responsible for the magnetic properties. The paramagnetic character of the transition metals increases on moving from left to right as the number of unpaired electron increases from one to five.


Answered by vaishanavi2003

·The paramagnetic behavior is due to the presence of unpaired electron in (n-1)d orbital.

·The paramagnetic behavior increases as the number of unpaired electron increases.

·In 3d series, the paramagnetic behavior increases from beginning to the middle (Sc to Mn) and then decrease to zinc.

·The paramagnetism is expressed in magnetic moment µ.

·The value of µ increases as the number of unpaired electrons increases and consequently, paramagnetism also increases.

·√n(n+2) BM; where n=no. of unpaired electrons.

·For compound with 2 unpaired electrons-: mu=2√2=paramagneic

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