Sociology, asked by mamta968, 8 months ago

Why are women discriminated?
Why is our society male dominating?

Plz don't say that people think women can't do anything or anything else....
I want to know the reason for this people's thought.......
something physically or mentally......
There must be any reason.....


Answered by BornCxnfused

1) Any distinction, exclusion or restriction made on the basis of sex and gender that has the effect or purpose of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise by women, irrespective of their marital status, and on a basis of equality between women and men, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field.

2) There is not a single country in the world today whose top political position is held by a woman. Although, during the last decade, women have entered fields previously barred to them, men still monopolize the key positions in government, industry and military institutions. The questions remain: Are there innate biological harriers that prevent women trom attaining equal power? Or, is there something built into the human male that makes it more natural for him to command females than for females to command him? To answer, one must know why male supremacism has been so well‐nigh universal.

Feminists actually tend to underestimate male supremacism. They are afraid, for one thing, that, if it has been in continuous existence throughout virtually the entire globe from the earliest times to the present, then perhaps it really is natural for men to dominate women. Some radical feminists conclude that their txxlies are at fault and that women will not achieve parity unless they cease to bear children

Answered by Anonymous

the people mentally think that women should be at home and they should only do household chores and take care of family and their work is this only

whereas Male are dominating because of the thoughts of society ,what they see around them they do that therefore they always dominate women

Hope it helps

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