Biology, asked by devyadv7223, 11 months ago

Why artificial silk costs less than real silk


Answered by answerer2020

Explanation:  Artificial silk or rayon is produced in mills, is produced in bulk at one time and requires less labour and skill whereas original silk is produced by the silk worms and it requires a lot of skill, labour and time to treat the worms and extract silk from them. Hence artificial silk is cheaper than natural silk.

plrase mark my answer as the brainliest

Answered by myeshakaunain1711



Artificial silk causes less than real silk because, to create real silk, a lot of time, effort, and natural made resources are used, whereas, in artificial silk, not much effort, time, etc are used to create it. Also because the material of real silk is way much better and comfier than that of artificial silk. Natural silk is produced from the silkworm whereas artificial silk is produced with some artificial techniques where the worm is burned in the cocoon only.

Hope this helps!! Thanks byeeee :)

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