why Australia celebrate Christmas in summer
People in Australia celebrate Christmas in Summer season.
During December, Australia witnesses' summer due to earth's orbital thus, 25th Christmas day is celebrated on a heat day. Earth's orbit around the Sun fragmented into Northern hemisphere and Southern hemisphere.Aug 11, 2018
Australia celebrates Christmas in Summer because as we know that Australia lies in southern hemisphere of our earth and as earth is too tilted, they have time and seasons very much different than the northern hemisphere of our earth.
When countries in northern hemisphere have Christmas, their winter solstice or winter season is going on, countries in southern hemisphere have summer solstice or summer season but as the northern hemisphere they also celebrate Christmas in summer.
When northern Hemisphere have winter going on (winter solstice) the southern hemisphere have summer going on (summer solstice). When northern hemisphere have summer going on (summer solstice) the southern hemisphere have winter going on (winter solstice). When northern hemisphere have spring going on (spring equinox) the southern hemisphere have autumn going on (autumn equinox). When northern hemisphere have autumn going on (autumn equinox) the southern hemisphere have spring going on (spring equinox).
This difference happens because the earth is tilted and receives sunlight as per the direction it faces which causes changes in season in different hemispheres.