English, asked by Anonymous, 9 months ago

Why banana always bend?
why not straight?


Answered by shagunsingh10


Bananas are curved nit straight because they can retrieve sunlight. Bananas go through a process called 'negative geotropism'.

Answered by IdyllicAurora

Answer :-

Bananas are always bent not straight because of the following reasons :-

  • We know that each and every plant goes through certain type of response to nature. Here bananas go through negative geotropism. This may be a new term for you, right ? Don't worry, just read ↓

Let us understand this from beginning that is from its bud to fruit.

▶ As an usual plant, Bananas grow from the shoot part of the plant as its a fruit. As a bud it grows straight only. You must have seen a tight stem like structure over each fruit of Banana. This is because the front part remains straight and hard but rest bottom part curves.

▶ We already know Negative Geotropism. It states that, when a structure of plant grows and responds to the direction opposite to the ground that is gravity, the phenomenon is called as Negative Geotropism.

▶Hence, after the top hard like structure, when the Banana starts getting matured it grows towards sunlight and follows Phototropism which we usually see as upward direction.

▶You might be thinking, that if it follows Phototropism then why doesn't it grows completely towards sun like a sunflower does and why its curved ?

You might have heard a common saying that 'Bananas don't rot'. This saying is because, we see other fruits like apples, mangoes, etc., when they are attached to trees and receive excess of sunlight, due to temperature change in them, they rot or become dull.

  • But Bananas retain this sunlight through their curved shape. As discussed above, Bananas grow towards sunlight but it doesn't follow Phototropism completely. We know that if Bananas grow towards sunlight, it will receive direct sunlight and hence will rot.
  • But by nature, Bananas have turned their shape curvy to follow semi - Geotropism as well as semi - Phototropism.
  • According to this, Bananas follow semi - Phototropism to maintain their structure upwards towards sunlight but follow semi - Geotropism as gravity attracts Bananas' middle fleshy part towards itself. This reduces the net effect of both the tropism and makes them half - half to complete it as full. That's why the word 'semi' has been mentioned here.

Bananas resist the gravitational attraction from earth by curving their shape and hardening and breaking from canopy. Their resistive force to stay upwards makes their shape to curve inwards.


More to know :-

Bananas have thin, soft yellowish skin :-

This is because, since it gets sunlight though not much but to prevent its soft flesh, Bananas have soft skin. And its yellowish colour is due to the absorption of 'yellow light' from the radiation of sun (white light spectrum). But its completely safe to eat bananas.

Phototropism is the phenomenon where a structure of a plant responds and grows towards sunlight.

Hydrotropism is the phenomenon where a structure of plant responds and grows towards water.

Thigmotropism is the phenomenon where a plant structure responds and grows with respect to touch or sensation.

Chemotropism is the phenomenon where a plant structure responds and grows towards a chemical response or sensation.

TheMoonlìghtPhoenix: Wow! Awesome!
Anonymous: Mind Blowing !
mddilshad11ab: Amazing!
Vamprixussa: Excellent !!!
Anonymous: splendid ^^"
Anonymous: Good
EliteSoul: Nice!
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