Hindi, asked by arunadhamane5, 11 months ago

why brophyta division plants are known as amphibians​


Answered by SillySam

The plants from division bryophyta are called the amphibians of plant kingdom because though they are stationary , they require water to complete their life cycle .

Amphibian is made up of two terms :

Amphi and bios . Amphi means both kind , bios means life . Thus an organism that can live in both water and land is termed as amphibian .

Bryophytes requiring water makes them referred to as amphibians of kingdom Plantae .

Some other divisions of kingdom Plantae :

  • Division Thallophyta : Body is thallus shaped (not differentiated)
  • Division Pteridophyta : These have fern and are first plants to have vascular system .
  • Division gymnosperms : These plants bear naked seeds , hence called gymnosperms .
  • Division angiosperms : These plants bear covered seeds , hence called angiosperm .

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