Geography, asked by singhayush2312, 1 year ago

Why can't we prepare an original diamond under optimum pressure, temperature and conditions ? If we can prepare so how or if we can't, so why not we are able to do so ?


Answered by DarshanJain15

Diamond formation:

Diamonds found at or near Earth's surface have formed through four different processes. The plate tectonics cartoon above presents these four methods of diamond formation. Additional information about each of them can be found in the paragraphs and small cartoons below.

Methods of Diamond Formation

Many people believe that diamonds are formed from the metamorphism of coal. That idea continues to be the "how diamonds form" story in many science classrooms.

Coal has rarely - if ever - played a role in the formation of diamonds. In fact, most diamonds that have been dated are much older than Earth's first land plants - the source material of coal! That alone should be enough evidence to shut down the idea that Earth's diamond deposits were formed from coal.

Another problem with the idea is that coal seams are sedimentary rocks that usually occur as horizontal or nearly horizontal rock units. However, the source rocks of diamonds are vertical pipes filled with igneous rocks.

Four processes are thought to be responsible for virtually all of the natural diamonds that have been found at or near Earth's surface. One of these processes accounts for nearly 100% of all diamonds that have ever been mined. The remaining three are insignificant sources of commercial diamonds.

These processes rarely - if ever - involve coal.

diamonds formed from deep-source eruptions

Diamonds from Deep-Source Eruptions: Most commercial diamond deposits are thought to have formed when a deep-source volcanic eruption delivered diamonds to the surface. In these eruptions, magma travels rapidly from deep within the mantle, often passing through a diamond stability zone on its route to the surface. Pieces of rock from the diamond stability zone may be torn free and carried rapidly upwards to the surface. These pieces of rock are known as "xenoliths" and may contain diamonds.

1) Diamond Formation in Earth's Mantle

Geologists believe that the diamonds in all of Earth's commercial diamond deposits were formed in the mantle and delivered to the surface by deep-source volcanic eruptions. These eruptions produce the kimberlite and lamproite pipes that are sought after by diamond prospectors.

Most of these pipes do not contain diamond, or contain such a small amount of diamond that they are not of commercial interest. However, open-pit and underground mines are developed in these pipes when they contain adequate diamonds for profitable mining. Diamonds have also been weathered and eroded from some of these pipes. Those diamonds are now contained in the sedimentary (placer) deposits of streams and coastlines.

The formation of natural diamonds requires very high temperatures and pressures. These conditions occur in limited zones of Earth's mantle about 90 miles (150 kilometers) or more below the surface, where temperatures are at least 2000 degrees Fahrenheit (1050 degrees Celsius) [1]. The critical temperature-pressure environment for diamond formation and stability is not present globally. Instead it is thought to be present primarily in the mantle beneath the stable interiors of continental plates [2].

Diamonds formed and stored in these "diamond stability zones" are delivered to Earth's surface during deep-source volcanic eruptions. These eruptions tear out pieces of the mantle and carry them rapidly to the surface [3]. See Location 1 in the diagram at the top of the page. This type of volcanic eruption is extremely rare and has never been observed by modern humans.

Is coal involved? Coal is a sedimentary rock, formed from plant debris deposited at Earth's surface. It is rarely buried to depths greater than two miles (3.2 kilometers). It is very unlikely that coal has been moved from the crust down to a depth well below the base of a continental plate. The carbon source for these mantle diamonds is most likely carbon trapped in Earth's interior at the time of the planet's formation or delivered to great depths by subduction.

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