why carbon gas cannot attain noble gas Configuation by lossing or gaining 4 electrone? explain.
Carbon can neither form C4+cations nor c4- anions, but forms covalent compounds, this is because Carbon atoms contains four electrons in outer most shell and they can attain stable gas electron configuration by gaining the 4 more electrons to complete the octet which is not easy for the nucleus to hold on 10 electrons, by loosing 4 electrons to get stable but the amount of energy required to lose the 4 electrons will be very high. So, again it is not possible. Instead of gaining or losing electrons, carbon shares its 4 electrons to form covalent bonds and obtains a stable octet Carbon atom have 4 electrons in their outermost shell. Carbon forms covalent bonds.
(a) Since there is no lon present in covalent compounds so there will be no conducting of electricity and hence they are bad conductors of electricity.
(b) The melting and boiling points of Covalent compounds are usually due to presence of weak forces of attraction between the molecules of the covalent compounds and a small of energy is enough to break the bonds. So, they have low melting and low boiling points.
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