English, asked by ashketchump1375, 1 year ago

Why children should not get long holidays


Answered by Sid1501
should be shortened, instead having four or five terms with short breaks between them. According to Frank Field, disadvantaged children who don't receive enough support at home cannot catch up after such a long break
Answered by Sumitmbbs
Children should not get long holidays due to following reasons:

With our today’s technologically overloaded students, one of the emerging concerns against a prolonged vacation is increased chances of deviation from constructive activities.

Critical academic skills need daily repetition which a modern parent may not be able to carry out at home due to rising demands of work. For example, students learning to read must practice these skills consistently or the teacher will have to reteach some of the concepts if they stay long before refreshing.

The same goes for foreign languages and mathematics facts. Even with a homework packet, some children may not have a home environment that encourages learning.

Unlike before, a long study break is more likely to cause students to forget what they have been learning. With the movies and video games, they slip away from study habits and become languid from so much time not working.

This is more damaging especially to students who need the extra support that they cannot find outside school; where there are people trained to help them, and can concentrate well in an environment designed for studying.

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