Math, asked by JagadishlalSahoo, 6 months ago

why coconut oil is freeze in winter ?​


Answered by 6707

It solidifies at lower temperature. The reason for this is because saturated fats (animal fats/ coconut oil) have mainly hydrogen atoms along the hydrocarbon chains and when they come close to other molecules they can form many van der waals forces between it and the other molecule.

Only keep the virgin coconut oil in the cooler of the refrigerator. If you leave the coconut oil on the freezer, the coconut oil will not freeze completely. The pure coconut oil after the test will freeze, so if you want to use them let them go to normal temperature or to warm coconut oil will quickly dissolve.

Hope you got correct✔ answer..xd

Answered by TheUnknownUser


Why coconut oil freezes in winter?


It is because coconut oil solidifies in winter because of low temperature.

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