Science, asked by Arslanbazaz4181, 3 months ago

Why Compressor is required refrigerator? Briefly explain with relevant law of thermodynamics


Answered by mannijha1986

Thermodynamics- the word thermodynamics originated from thermos(heat) and dynamis(motion). So thermodynamics basically deals with the understanding of energy, its exchange & conversion.

Refrigeration- Refrigeration is the process of continuously transfering heat(thermal energy) from lower enregy to higher thermal energy environment. That means to maintain a 'cold' atmosphere 'cold' for prolonged duration.

Now on the topic, what is role of thermodynamics in refrigeration process. As we usually observe, every natural process always tends to happen in a direction which favors higher to lower process. Be its electric current, which always flow from higher to lower potential. Or be it a car sliding down the hill. Or gravity flow of water from terrace to ground. Here comes probably most importent principle of classical physics second law of thermodynamics into action.

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