English, asked by yashvardhan232, 1 year ago

Why corruption is hurdle in the path of development


Answered by upenderjoshi28

Corruption--A Hurdle in the Path of Development

Einstein quite rightly said, “The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.” India is a developing country facing many challenges. Corruption is the most detrimental of them. India was placed at 76th position out of 168 countries with a score of 38 out of a possible 100 in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index 2015.

I strongly believe corruption is like a canker to the health of the economic and technological prosperity of a nation. Corruption became rampant with the winning of freedom. Owing to the fallible democratic system and lack of stringent punishment mechanism for the culprits, it thrived, more in politics, government administration departments. Gradually its nexus became more nefarious. Corruption in India spread as a result of the connection between bureaucrats, politicians and criminals.

Political corruption is worst in India. The major cause of concern is that corruption is weakening the political body and damaging the supreme importance of the law governing the society. In the past few decades there was every conceivable scam and scandals in all key ministries. These cams and scandals tarnished the image of the country nationally as well as internationally. There were so many scams that people lost complete trust in the government. Indian Coal Allocation Scam, 2G Spectrum Scam, Commonwealth Games Scam, Telgi Scam, Satyam Scam, Bofors Scam, the Fodder Scam, etc, are some of the many scams that were done by elected ministers, politicians, bureaucrats, and high government officials. The Indian Law system is so incompetent and vulnerable, that in spite of being guilty, politicians, bureaucrats, high government officials remain scot free.

Owing to these scams and scandals national wealth worth billions of rupees was wasted. The burden of this entire loss was borne by the people of India whose hard earned money was thus wasted by these corrupt government officials, bureaucrats and politicians. If the whopping amount of national wealth that was wasted, misused, and misappropriated in these scams and scandals, had been spent on creating the infrastructure in the country, it would have given the much required impetus to the pace of the developmental progress of the nation. Corruption is the major hurdle to foreign investment by MNCs that could further precipitate the process of development of our country.

Now the most crucial question: ‘How to curb this evil of corruption?’ Although many anti-corruption agencies have been created to fight curb corruption, but they exist in name only. The only solution to the problem of corruption is people’s involvement in eradicating it from the face of our country. They will have to take the issue in their hands. The French Revolution and the Russian Revolutions stand as perfect examples which show when the people of a country unite against an oppressive evil, how the evil just vanishes. Since they are the losers in all the scams and scandals, as the money wasted and misused is their tax money, they have the right to curb scams and scandals. There must be large scale protests by the people against scams and ill practices.

The people must play a more proactive role in curbing corruption. The corruption has grown to such a big problem only, because we, the people have condoned these scams and scandals. If the people of India had protested against these scams initially, and demanded explanation from the government, these scandals would have been nipped in the bud. However, they did not take it seriously. Now, the time has come when they must unite against this evil, and launch a campaign to make India corruption free.

If people of India have to achieve invincible prosperity in the fields of health, finances, science, technology, and innovation, they must adopt the principle of integrity. Applying integrity even in the minutest details, they must persevere in the fields above mentioned. The prosperity will certainly follow. So the people of India have to adopt two-pronged strategy to root out corruption from their motherland—fight determinedly against corruption, and work assiduously and honestly for the national development.

Answered by maryamkincsem

Corruption is one of the most detrimental ways which effects the path paved for development at the hands of many.

Corruption now a days doesn't exist on the acts of one person in fact it is wide spread and sadly everyone is corrupt on all levels of hierarchy. For instance in developing countries corruption takes place on part of the mutual collaboration bureaucrats, politicians and criminals; all united.

This is a hurdle because corruption happens in many forms, such as embezzlement and bribery. In countries when corruption happens that affects the budgets of the countries allotted for the health, economic and technological prosperity of that nation.

Corruption leads to weakening of political bodies and damaging reputation of the legislation of that country.This targets the name of the country as well; as the countries goodwill and reputation gets badmouthed.

This affects the economic situation negatively as this leads to stakeholders feeling uncertain about their future investments in the country. Organisations such as multi nationals do not prefer working here, for the unfavorable governmental conditions. This is just like the situation that no parent would like to enroll their child in a school which is famous for its mismanagement.

This term can be related to the concept of how termites slowly and gradually invade and infiltrate causing harm at the very core. Those who corrupt are similar to such termites as they continue to drill and leave behind barren residual.

It effects the countries budgeting. It effects the taxation system. It levies more burden on the people, ultimately. As the costs increase and people dont get benefits that decreases their standard of living and increases inflation. Leads to political instability in country as protests and riots tend to break out.

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