Physics, asked by Edwardjeffrey90, 2 months ago

Why did apple fell on newton's head ?
Need Explanation!


Answered by Anonymous


Legend has it that a young Isaac Newton was sitting under an apple tree when he was bonked on the head by a falling piece of fruit, a 17th-century “aha moment” that prompted him to suddenly come up with his law of gravity. ... occasion'd by the fall of an apple, as he sat in a contemplative mood.”

hope it helps you

Answered by indianyouths


Legend has it that a young Isaac Newton was sitting under an apple tree when he was bonked on the head by a falling piece of fruit, a 17th-century “aha moment” that prompted him to suddenly come up with his law of gravity. ... occasion'd by the fall of an apple, as he sat in a contemplative mood.”


#ant- bad spamers

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